20 Best Operating Systems (OS) for Gaming as of 2024
Best Operating Systems for Gaming:- The gaming sector has always been the talk of the town. Whether it be Among Us, PUBG or Minecraft, the world finds some game to obsess over, collectively!
In the past decade, the value of the gaming sector has gone up from 70.6 billion in 2012 to 159.3 billion USD in 2020! As per the Entertainment Software Association, 65 percent of all US adults can be classified as gamers. And 2.4 billion people globally played different mobile games.
Considering the various genres and types of games available, it is understandable why almost everyone has been able to find a niche they like to play during their leisure time.
But, the gaming experience isn’t just about the video game you choose. Instead, the operating system you play it on also makes a huge difference. In 2021,
Here are the best OS available for gaming.
Windows 10
Until the new version of Microsoft Windows is launched, Windows 10 will continue to be an excellent OS for PC gaming.
This is because you can use the system to play online games like those offered by platforms like Unlimited Gamez Mo as well as console games like those played on Xbox. It doesn’t matter which graphic card or CPU you use, Windows 10 continues to be a reliable operating system for both hardcore and online gaming.
Apple has managed to gain quite a loyal customer base. As everyone already knows, you can only access this OS if you have a Mac computer, including MacBook, iMac Pro etc.
And for casual gamers, the comparatively pricier macOS would be the ideal solution owing to the inclusion of a sleek user interface and beautiful design. In fact, when it comes to display, macOS surely outperforms most of the systems mentioned here. However, note that the OS is not recommended for hardcore gaming.
Windows 8
Since many game developers make their games compatible with the Windows 8 version of Microsoft, the OS continues to be a respectable choice for many gamers. The OS has placed emphasis on supporting a variety of monitors. It also gives options for scaling images, altering text sizes and changing resolution, etc.
The only drawback of using this operating system is that DirectX 12 cannot be used on it after a certain level.
Windows 7
One of the most popular and successful OS to be released by Microsoft was Windows 7. The efficiency, performance and stability of the system have remained unparalleled. Since the OS comes with a built-in Direct X software, it is still a usable OS for gamers.
Chrome OS
The Chrome OS has been gaining immense popularity among gamers due to its simplicity and reliability. However, one advantage is that you can only use Android Apps and Chrome Apps through this OS, making it ideal for Android games as well as for live streaming your match.
Prime OS
When it comes to Android operating systems, Prime OS has managed to gain the attention of many gamers. The open-source project features a sleek interface and excellent compatibility. Its keymapping tool is mapped for games like Subway Surf, Freefire, and PUBG, making it a good choice for playing popular Android games.
Compared to some of the other operating systems on the list, Linux doesn’t top the list because it is not as easy to use. Yet, the OS has managed to become user-friendly with every new version released. Now, the Linux OS can be customized to the needs of the gamer, as long as you have the right information and guidance.
Phoenix OS
The user interface of Phoenix OS is comparable with that of Windows 10. You can use the operating system to play heavy games like Fortnite, PUBG, MC5, etc., regardless of the type of PC you have. This is because this OS is quite lightweight and hence gives smooth performance across games and PC types.
OpenThos Android OS
OpenThos makes it possible for Android gamers to experience the same performance as that of Microsoft Windows 10. The multi-windows support and taskbar are few of the similar elements. Additionally, the OS can successfully run both android apps as well as Linux solutions.
SteamOS is a Steam Machine gaming platform launched by Valve. As the name suggests, the system is made solely for Steam. While the OS has issues when it comes to compatibility and controllers, it is still a good attempt at an operating system.
Bliss OS
You can view Bliss OS as a customized solution of various Android operating systems. It has been altered to work on desktops, Chromebooks, and tablets. The installation of this OS is quite simple. When you add it to the taskbar and Pixel launcher, the OS succeeds in offering an interface that mirrors Windows operating systems.
Relatively unheard of, this Linux operating system is one of the weakest options on the list. One saving grace of the operating system is that it is free to download as well as operate – something which Windows and macOS users will appreciate.
However, the OS is slowly improving its game support. It is possible that Ubuntu will successfully cater to hardcore gamers in the future. Therefore, it is a smart decision to keep a lookout.
Remix OS
For those of you looking for an Android OS specifically for games like PUBG and Fortnite, Remix OS is one system you might want to try. The OS supports tablets and desktops. However, as of now, its developers have stopped releasing new updates for the system. Yet, the previous version can still be found and downloaded.
Android-x86 Project
Another option for Android games is using the Android-x86 open source project as the operating system. The good thing about the system is that any developer using the base model can enhance the operating system and customize its performance as per their hardware and requirements.
Do you ever wish to play games like Super Mario or The Legend of the Zelda? There is immense nostalgia in playing old games. Here, retro gaming OS can come in handy. One such system is RetroPie, which is built on a Linux distribution. The included EmulationStation allows for a solid interface for playing old games.
Solus is often dubbed to be the best Linux OS for gaming. This is because the system is equipped with all the features required for media playback, hardcore gaming as well as browsing. Since Steam can be integrated for Solus, it is a great choice for gamers that use the platform. The frequent updates allow the operating system to overcome its flaws with time.
Many laud Deepin for its aesthetic interface as well as its user-friendliness. The open-source operating system comes with a Graphics Driver Manager that allows gamers to readily install their desired drivers for graphic cards.
Yet another retro gaming OS of Linux distribution, Lakka allows every computer to be transformed into a powerful gaming console. Its Emulator list includes Arcade, Nintendo DS, Game Boy, Virtual Boy, and PlayStation, etc.
Batocera is a Raspberry Pi operating system dedicated to retro gaming. Again, it features similarities to the other retro gaming operating systems on the list. It delivers smooth performance, even for systems that are challenging to emulate, like PSP and N64.
Apple OS X Yosemite
This Apple OS is the 10th operating system available for Apple desktop users. Compared to the previous releases, this system corrects the previously prevalent issues of Wi-Fi and security glitches. On the technical front, it is quite a complicated yet well-performing OS.
Which OS to choose for Gaming?
As you can see, there are two types of operating systems out there – closed system and open source projects. There are pros as well as cons of each type.
For instance, an open-source solution is often available free of cost and can be altered according to one’s specific needs.
On the other hand, closed systems like Windows and iOS offer better technical performance. Yet, they are significantly pricier. When it comes to reliability, you can’t ever go wrong with popular mainstream operating systems.
Which operating system is the best for you depends on your gaming needs. First, think about the type of gaming you wish to do. Are you looking for playing a game during your leisure time, or are you a hardcore gamer? Which category do you best enjoy? And how much are you willing to pay for the operating system?
Depending on how you answer these questions, decide which of the operating system best suits your needs.
Ending Remarks
Don’t underestimate the power of an operating system for the overall gaming experience. The last thing you would want to do is spoil your game because your desktop’s operating system does not align with the needs of the game you wish to play.
Do your research and choose your operating system wisely. And once you do, play your favorite games to de-stress yourself after a hectic day!