19 Tips for Taking Good Care of your FingerNails
Women often get jealous if they see other people with fine fingernails, and think it’s natural.
Hey! no, It is all about the care you give to your nails regularly. Here, you will find valuable tips on hand and nail care.
With these tips, I’m sure you will learn how to care and clean your fingernails properly henceforth.
Use Files Instead of Cutting
If you cut your fingernails with scissors, they break off more easily.
It is better to file your nails regularly. If you still prefer to cut your nails, it is better not to use nail scissors, but rather with a nail clipper or special nail nippers, says Akin from Chaktty media.
Avoid Metal Files
Even if metal files last for a long period, they should only be used on very hard nails.
Because the metal does not grind the shortened nails smooth, but rather roughen them – the risk of breakage and splintering increases.
Gently File Brittle Nails
For brittle nails, use a soft file such as a sand sheet file, a mineral file, or a glass file.
Disadvantage: Sand leaf files only last for a few manicures. The following applies: The finer the grain size of the file, the more gently the nail is shortened.
It is also advisable to only move the file in one direction so as not to roughen the nail.
File wide-nails Narrow
Wide fingernails can be optically narrowed by filing them into an oval shape.
This stretches the nail so that it appears narrower.
Maintain the Nail and Nail Bed Properly
For healthy nails, you should apply nail oil or nail polish regularly, in a circular motion, rub it on the nail and around the nail bed.
This protects the nail and cuticle from drying out and tearing.
Home Remedies for Natural Hand and Nail Care
If you are looking for an inexpensive alternative to expensive care products or an expensive manicure, you can simply help yourself.
There are effective home remedies for caring for your hands and fingernails:
Lemon Juice: The juice of a lemon is not only effective against discolored nails.
Rubbing your hands with the inside of the lemon peel also makes your hands softer and has a skin-cleaning effect. Caution: only apply the acidic liquid in small doses.
Petroleum jelly, olive oil, or glycerine: Rub one of the products mentioned in the morning and evening to give your fingernails a shine and a sufficient supply of moisture.
Castor oil: You can prevent soft and brittle fingernails with a teaspoon of castor oil. Mix the oil with a little lemon juice and apply it to the fingers and the nail bed. This makes the nails stronger.
Rubber gloves when Cleaning: To avoid rough skin and brittle nails from cleaning agents that contain chemicals, you should always wear rubber gloves when cleaning.
Soft Nails
Soft nails can be counteracted with nail hardener. This hardens the nails, protects and seals them with nourishing ingredients.
However, apply the liquid only to the front part of the nail so that the lower nail retains its elasticity.
Push back the Cuticle Properly
The cuticle should only be gently pushed back with a cotton swab or a rosewood stick. In no case should you cut the cuticle with scissors, as this can lead to injuries and inflammation?
Tip: If you soak your fingernails with water or a cuticle remover beforehand, the cuticle can be pushed back more easily.
Don’t wet your hands before Painting
It is advisable not to take a bath or put lotion on your hands before painting your nails.
Because the nails swell up due to water and contract again when they dry, whereby the applied varnish quickly flakes off again.
You should also degrease the nails, otherwise, the varnish will not stick.
Paint remover or alcohol are suitable for this. In addition, you should first completely remove any nail polish residue before applying new polish.
What to do about grooves in the Nails?
Longitudinal or transverse grooves in the nail are particularly common on the feet, but they can also occur on fingernails.
In this case, a so-called ridge filler has proven itself in addition to additional care.
This is a type of nail polish that flows into uneven areas in the nail and thus visually levels them. Many groove fillers contain nourishing nutrients.
Basecoat as a Nail Primer
Before you apply nail polish, you should apply a base coat or a groove filler.
Both methods ensure an even nail surface so that the varnish can spread more evenly and hold better.
In addition, a base coat protects against discoloration of the nails by the varnish.
It should be noted, however, that the base coat or the groove filler must be completely dry before the actual nail polish can be applied.
Start with the Thumb
When painting the nails, it is advantageous to always paint the thumb first, as it takes the longest to dry due to its large area.
Fast drying for those in a Hurry
Painted nails do not dry faster if you breathe on them and blow on them – on the contrary: the moisture in your breath makes the paint dry less well.
Blow-drying your nails or waving your hands is also not recommended, as the blasts of air cause waves in the paint.
The following are suitable for quick drying:
- extra fast drying second nail polish
- special dry sprays
- Quick-drying drops
Slim Nails
Wide fingernails look narrower if a thin strip is left out on the outer sides of the nail when painting.
Are Artificial Nails Harmful?
No matter whether gel nails or plastic covers – these artificial specimens are not good for real fingernails in the long run.
Because when no more oxygen reaches the nail, it becomes softer and more porous and can no longer protect the nail bed from germs.
In addition, cavities can form between real and artificial nails, into which fungi and bacteria can penetrate.
These can cause nail fungus, discoloration, or infections of the nail or the nail bed.
Care for Nails when Biting Nails
Some people chew their fingernails when they are stressed or nervous.
Not only does it look unkempt, but it can also lead to injuries and inflammation.
Applying a special liquid with bitter substances from the pharmacy can help here.
The bitter taste makes you aware of your bad habit and stops chewing.